Saturday, December 3, 2011

Oh The Possibilities

'Tis a cold and rainy day, dripping with possibilities.

Under normal circumstances this would be a perfect day for crafting time with my latest novel.  There is something positively yummy about sitting at my desk, hearing the drip, drip, drop of rain outside beneath a canopy of clouds.  Perfect writing environs!

Alas, my day is packed with a number of activities - my son's vocal concert immediately followed by a Christmas party this evening and accompanying ongoing cooking.  Plus there are chores screaming at me.  Even so, I have found a few moments this morning of solitude.

It always puts me in the mood to write.

So if you've a mind, dear readers and writers, I'd love to hear from you.  What do you consider the perfect reading/writing experience?  Is it the cold and rainy moments?  The snowy vistas?  A good spring thunderstorm?  The sound of the waves caressing the shores?  For me it is weather or nature - what does it for you?

Please comment and let me know!

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